I am Etienne. (Pronounce: A-T-N, like an ATM but replace the M with an N and the money for wisdom!) I grew up bullied and called names, bringing down my self-esteem and leading me from one toxic relationship to the next until I realized that I must love myself first to love and be loved in return.
WHAT I DO: I am a Blogger and a Serenity Coach. I can help you to be OUT and happy by providing a 7 steps path to self-love.
WHO I WORK WITH: I partner mainly with gay men looking to find true love.
WHY IT WORKS: When you partner with me you thrive and build loving relationships, living in harmony with the Seven Colours of Love: Welcoming, Trust, Forgiveness, Freedom, Respect and Generosity and Awareness.
WHAT MAKES ME DIFFERENT: I am a Certified Life Coach and Blogger. I have empowered myself to heal the scars of rejection and bullying that I endured until I started to believe and to love myself. I was the Organizer and one of the Facilitatiors of a LGBTQ discussion group for people coming out.
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